Enhancing Language Skills and Creative Thinking Through the Creation of Digital Storytelling (67290)
Session Chair: Sana Sayed
Saturday, January 7, 2023 (09:00)
Session: Session 1
Room: 318A
Presentation Type:Oral Presentation
This session presents how storytelling can be used to improve students' language skills, while cultivating creative thinking and digital skills in them using intermediate and advanced Japanese language students as models. The online course titled Storytelling in Japanese was created to help intermediate and advanced students improve their language skills through creative storytelling activities. Students can engage in various activities involving telling their own stories, crafting short stories for silent movies and paintings, and creating a narrative advertisement that conveys its message through storytelling. Additionally, written and oral drawing and digital forms of storytelling are explored. This presentation will focus on one of the tasks in the class, the creation of digital storytelling based on any personal event. This task involves several phases such as writing an essay, revising an essay, recording a podcast, creating a storyboard, employing the digital storytelling form, and commenting on classmates’ works. The presenter will demonstrate that the creation of digital storytelling is an innovative and effective method that can motivate students to engage themselves in the task and further improve their language and digital skills and give them a sense of achievement and fulfillment.
Kumiko Tsuji, Northeastern University, United States
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Kumiko Tsuji is a University Professor/Principal Lecturer at Northeastern University, United States
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